Featured Users

Jeff Jeanguenat is the cooling water engineer at the Surry Power Plant across the James River from Jamestown, Virginia. Surry is a nuclear power plant that provides electricity for 420,000 homes and businesses in southeastern Virginia.

Retired from a 40-year career in nonprofit association management, Captain Mike Krissoff is now a 50-ton U.S. Coast Guard Master who runs his custom-built 46-foot Chesapeake Bay deadrise out of Annapolis. He runs Cap’n Mike’s Full Moon Adventures LLC for boutique Bay tours for up to six passengers and can also arrange bicycling or kayak/paddleboard adventures.

John Jacobs is a Research Fishery Biologist with NOAA’s National Ocean Service at the Cooperative Oxford Lab on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

The captains and crew of the Jamestown-Scotland (Virginia) Ferry rely on data from the Jamestown CBIBS buoy to help them safely operate the ferry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Captain Michael Fiorentino spends a lot of time on the Chesapeake as captain of the Sultana Education Foundation’s schooner, the Sultana, so he uses CBIBS a lot, too.

Rich Dennison is a busy man. Not only is he store manager at Tochterman’s Fishing Tackle in Baltimore, Maryland, he also teaches a class at Tochterman’s on striper trolling in the winter and early spring, and serves as CCA Maryland’s Baltimore Chapter president in his spare time.

Gregg Stickler is the lead science teacher at Rising Sun High School in Maryland’s Cecil County. He uses CBIBS data with students—in a unique way!

Captain Jennifer Kaye is one of four captains of the Woodwind, a 74-foot wooden schooner based in Annapolis, Maryland, that offers cruises on the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay.

Tom Hale is a Chesapeake Bay cruiser and writer for Chesapeake Bay Magazine and PropTalk who has lived on the Chesapeake and cruised the Bay—and beyond—for 30 years.
He is just returning to the Bay from an overwinter cruise to the Florida Keys—down to Marathon and back.